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Koschei, the Deathless is an adventure boardgame set in the world of Slavic folklore. The game is based on scenarios which together create a single campaign and it will offer a story-like experience. Each player will represent a unique character which is trying to stop Koschei’s evil schemes. Everyone’s motivation is different, but your ultimate goal is the same. Get rid of the foul necromancer!
Koschei, the Deathless is a card-based game for 1 to 4 players with strong focus on story and Slavic folklore theme. You must overcome the suffering under Koschei’s despotism and bring redemption not only to yourself but to the whole realm. Build your forces of creatures, artifacts, and spells and keep improving it. Use your cards wisely and get the victory points coming. Do not be afraid to spill (your own) blood.
Key Aspects
Main mechanics:
- Deck building
- Exploration
- Resource management
- Engine building
- Push / mitigate your luck
- Character development
Game modes:
- Solo
- Competitive
- Cooperative
Playtime: 75-90 minutes
Nothing in the board game world is more depressing than forgetting the rule exception inside another rule exception and then not collecting your three wood because of it. We will keep the gameplay streamlined. Complexity will not come from the width of options you need to remember and trackers you need to monitor but from the depth of your available strategical choices. It will be up to you to find synergies and little combos that will make the difference turn by turn.
Of course, you will have your creatures to summon or spells to cast. However, your cards do not have only a single use – they can be used in multiple ways. For example many of them offer slightly weaker effect that can be combined with other actions. Your task is to discover the right synergies to maximize the potential of each turn. Manage your cards and other resources properly, build your engine and become the one that challanges Koschei to his last fight.
For example, you can cast Baba Yaga’s Curse to deal 1 wound to all enemy monsters. Alternatively, you might decide to discard the Curse to feed your Kikimora card already in play (and thus increasing its strength) to inflict one wound to a single enemy creature. One wound could be enough for the moment and you still make your Kikimora stronger.
It is unlikely that you will be able to discover the whole narrative during a single campaign. You can replay and replay the game to see the whole story unfold and pieces of puzzle fit together. Just like a good book, it gets better with each replaying.